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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Key to Happiness; 15 tips that will make you feel happy.

It appears to me that everybody seems to be looking for this one special magical spell for happiness although, many search in the wrong places.
What is happiness?
There is no perfect answer to this question. Maybe I should say that there are many perfect answers to this query; happiness means something different for each person. You have to find the answer to this inquiry within yourself. Regardless of what it may be for you, here are 15 tips that helped me during my journey to find happiness, and which I'm glad I continue practicing every day.

1. Start your day early and make yourself some sort of yummy breakfast!

2. Listen to your favorite music as you get ready to start your day.

3. Wear an outfit that makes you feel comfortable and confident.

4. Become more organized (keep a planner), this will help you avoid stress.

5. Declutter your room and try to keep it organized and clean, this will provide you with a nice environment to gather your thoughts and hang out.

6. Smile to people as you walk into school, work or on the street.

7. Dont let your happiness depend on anyone else but yourself and by this I mean, dont let anyone else's comments or actions affect your state of mind.

8. Be positive and you will attract positive things to your life.

9. Be optimistic! Unless you are dying, it can be fixed.

10. Surround yourself with people who love you, and love themselves; negative people will only consume your good energy and bring you down.

11. Try your best at school or your job because the little accomplishments will make you feel very fulfilled.

12. Dont beat yourself up over mistakes. Acknowledge them as part of your past, learn from them, and move on.

13. Whenever you feel depressed or upset about something, it helps to write about it on a personal journal.

14. Find a hobby! I like to draw, dance or write when my world seems to be crushing down on my shoulders. It doesn't have to be perfect; it just have to make you feel good!

15. And lastly, LOVE YOURSELF. Before anything, learn to love and deeply value every part of yourself. We are brought into this world with a purpose to do or become something but before fulfilling it, you must love yourself. Love your imperfections as they make you unique. Love your great attributes because you are amazing and beautiful. Be free of that huge internal critic, and bring out the GREAT HAPPY person residing within yourself.

-Keep dreaming, TheStarryEyedGirl


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