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Sunday, October 19, 2014

25. 22. 30. 41...

Hello wonderful people!

It’s been a while since the last time I wrote anything. I have been really busy with life lately. 
Despite of it all, I’ve been really enjoying life!

Lately I’ve noticed that we are all given a certain value. Sometimes people categorize us by how much money we make, how rich we are, what grades we get, where we are going with our life, or even how many friends we have. It all narrows down to a number.
It all begins in our childhood. We are taught to be competitive; simply the best. The best becomes an unrealistic ideal rather than a healthy and joyous state of mind. What if becoming a cop, firefighter, or a doctor isn’t for you? What if you want to be an artist, or a professional dancer?

In the career path that I’ve chosen, my value depends on a score. The score for the standardized test that will determine whether or not I will be “good” for the profession I have picked. No offense to anyone but that is all a lie. And hey, that’s how the application process goes for many things in life: college, medical school, law school, grad school, etc. The thing is, am I really better than the next because my score is somewhat good?
According to everyone surrounding me, that’s the way it is. 
They’ve all grown arrogant, and careless. They have lost purpose other than to chat about their scores. I wonder if this is a sign of growing up… 
I mean, the elder which are preoccupied with their job and investments seem to have their minds wrapped around money and numbers. I guess I haven’t matured enough to that enslaved state of mind. 
I think there is so much more to offer the world rather than a price value or a score. Ultimately what does my score mean to an engineer or a cop? What matters are the good qualities in each of us. Be accepting of others. I used to be so drowned in piles of different values going from number of gold stars, number of friends, scores, grades, money, that I couldn’t see beyond them. There is a world out there. A world full of artists, people that drive pedi cabs, sell jewelry on the street or cook at a restaurant for a living. Once you stop caring so much about the numbers and comparing your scores to those around you… the good and small things in life begin to shine through.

…And maybe… only maybe… you’ll become happier! 



Unknown said...

I couldnt agree with you more. I think about this all the time. Love this :)

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